Title: Making the Office a Destination: The Rise of Hospitality in Law Firms
Date: March 8th
Time: 2:00 pm EST
We are in the midst of a global paradigm shift. The meaning of the “office” has forever changed. For law firms, the office was historically the place where lawyers performed work. The pandemic changed that.
The office must now provide benefits or an experience the lawyers and staff cannot get at home. Additionally, hybrid operations must be a seamless and productive experience for attorneys and staff. A key part of the solution to both of these challenges are to add a layer of 5-star hospitality service to operations.
5-star hospitality services can transform the office into something new: a destination, a brand experience, an effortless and productive experience. And there’s plenty of precedent from other industries already leading the way.
Please join the Chief Revenue Officer of Forrest Solutions, Anthony Davies, for this hands-on session detailing how 5-star hospitality services are cultivated, including examples from early adopter firms, as well as the value and implications for the future of work.
About Anthony Davies
Anthony Davies serves as the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO) for Forrest Solutions and is also one of the partners for the organization. As the CRO, Anthony drives Sales and Marketing for Onsite Outsourcing and Staffing and leads a team of experienced sales executives who work with some of the world’s largest organizations. Over the last 20 years, he has built considerable experience and reputation in the legal industry, where he has helped many large firms streamline process and save money. Anthony speaks frequently at industry events including ARMA, ALA Annual and the COO CFO Forum and he has been featured in American Lawyer, Law.com and Legal Management Magazine. Anthony holds a BSc (Hons) in Materials Science and business studies from Loughborough University (UK) and an Executive MBA from Quantic Business School in Washington DC.